consecration | conscience | repentance | freedom | #JiL
The states will have to burn half their houses to remove the defiling things in them. ~ BeRea
DEWE | Direct Energy Weapon Encounters
Demonic Energy Weapons Encounters
DEWE’s possibly the greatest warfare against humanity, followers of Jesus Yeshua Yehoshua have the answers.
E book now on sale at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and where you get your ebooks.
Soft cover book launch soon.
What matters
Jesus is Lord
Their word.. revival.
Our word…
Repent and live.
T.V. is their “Bible” and entertainment is their god. ~ BeRea
It is your responsibility to clean yourself as a Christian, to 1 John 1:9 according to the Word, the Bible. Start now in becoming clean.
“If you say you’re a Christian, you may have been conditioned that to repent is something you do once,
or that when you are saved you can ask Jesus to forgive ALL your sins
or you are above it,
or don’t need to,
or maybe you don’t want to, but whatever the objection, repent is an “often” thing.
Just like taking a shower daily, you must examine yourself, clean up. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.” You must open your mouth and take care of business.
It has been said–iniquity never dies–this side of eternity-it is true. ~ BeRea
We simply, diligently seek the Holy Bible for Truth and aim to apply it.
That’s it, that’s all. Join us. #iamone #pc4J © 2025